Our Training
The quality of our training is widely recognised and draws upon local and national guidance and experience gained from over 35 years of working in partnership with parents and professionals.
• Helps Parents and Carers become more confident in supporting their child and in working with the practitioners they meet
• Helps professionals develop their settings and their practice to become more inclusive for individuals with additional needs
• Encourages people to work collaboratively on behalf of children and young people
• Helps develop a high quality and skilled Welsh workforce.

Course Details
Our existing courses are designed to meet the needs of a variety of individuals, practitioners and organisations. They can be delivered at a venue of your choice or at one of SNAP Cymru’s training venues. We can also develop or modify a course or create bespoke training specifically to meet your needs.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us: enquiries@snapcymru.org
Our normal charges range from £60-£120 per person per course.
Group discounts and concessions are also available for partner organisations.
Cancellations or postponement can only be accepted in writing.
Should SNAP Cymru cancel an event a full refund will be made.
Should delegates cancel or postpone the following charges apply:
- 22 days or more — no fee
- 15 – 21 days prior to event — 50% of course fee
- 14 days or less, or failure to attend — 100% of course fee
Agored Cymru Accreditation – take credit for your learning!
Success now, and in the future, is about learning. By gaining credits for your learning you are doing exactly that. Over 800,000 people registered on Agored Cymru (formally Open College Network Wales) courses last year, so you are in good company! Agored recognise and accredit courses covering all aspects of education and training. SNAP Cymru work alongside Agored Cymru to award nationally recognised certificates of achievement using their system of credits.
Levels of attainment:
- Level One is comparable to NVQ1, Foundation GNVQ and GCSE grades D-G. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have completed the equivalent of one whole GCSE, but that you are working at an equivalent level of achievement. This represents the development of foundation skills and the acquisition of basic learning skills.
- Level Two is comparable to NVQ2, Intermediate GNVQ and GCSE grades A* – C. Once again, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have completed the equivalent of one whole GCSE, but that you are working at an equivalent level of achievement.
- Level Three This represents the use of skills and competences independently and analytically. It demonstrates that you are working at a level equivalent to NVQ three or A level. Most learners hoping to access Higher Education seek to achieve credits at level three.
- Level Four is comparable to the skill and competency level of a HNC.
Credit Value:
Credit – The standard unit of measurement used by Agored to indicate volume and breadth of learning. All learning achievement is described in terms of ‘credit’. The number of credits indicates the volume of learning for which the Agored definition is used. 1 Credit is equivalent to 10 hours of learning (including your portfolio building or any work you do independently).
How will my work be assessed?
During your course, your tutor will help you to document your achievement by supporting you to produce pieces of work (assessment tasks). They may take the format of worksheets or practical tasks. These will be put together in a folder, along with testimonies from the tutor and/or other learners stating that you have achieved certain assessment criteria. You will always be made aware of the assessment tasks and your tutor will always help you to achieve your potential. More information can be found in our Access to Fair Assessment Policy.
If you are unsure about any of the assessments, or you have specific learning requirements/learning barriers, please do not hesitate to speak to your tutor about this as we will endeavour to adjust the tasks to suit your needs (see the Access to Fair Assessment and Equality and Diversity policies for further information on special arrangements and considerations).
What can I do with my credits?
Agored credits are generally accepted as a means of entry to further study by further and higher education providers and by a large number of employers and trainers. You can use your credits to demonstrate your achievements and prove that you have knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects. Depending on which level of course you take, you can use the credits to progress onto other courses. Contact your local colleges and speak to them about what opportunities are open to you.
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes, once your portfolio has been assessed by your tutor and checked by an internal verifier, SNAP Cymru will recommend that Agored issues a certificate which will be forwarded to you. Please note that this process can take several weeks.
SNAP Cymru is committed to providing learners with the opportunity to achieve and our training provision is fair and equal ensuring that, wherever possible, all learners with the relevant skills, knowledge and understanding can have their achievement recognised’. We hope you will take this opportunity to have your achievement rewarded.
We welcome feedback from all of our learners any concerns are usually resolved informally, however, for further information please see the SNAP Cymru.
Assessment Appeals Procedure and Complaints Policy.
We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our learners. We may collect, store and use information you provide us for the purpose of registering with AGORED Cymru along with any other information that you choose to send to us which may relate to your learning, such as access needs and prior qualifications.
We will not collect data or other material that cannot legitimately be shown to be related directly or indirectly to the registration of learners. Personal information submitted to us will only be used for the purposes specified in this statement. For further information please see the SNAP Cymru Training Data Protection Policy.
We wish you every success!
SNAP Cymru Training Courses
We have a variety of courses available, flick through our current available courses below:
This brief course is designed to provide a basic introduction to the principles of Children and Young People’s Advocacy and for individuals to begin developing the knowledge and skills for delivering effective advocacy.
The course has been specifically developed for individuals who hope to support vulnerable children and young people who may have a disability, additional learning needs or be excluded or disadvantaged. The training closely follows the Welsh Assembly Government National Standards for the Provision of Advocacy Services – WAG 2003.
This training is for anyone wishing to:
- become more confident in identifying the situation when advocacy is appropriate
- develop an understanding of empowerment
- understand the principles of children’s rights, participation and of the communication skills required to support children and young people
All Children Can Play
This is a ½ day interactive non-accredited session which can be delivered in settings. It forms part of the free Inclusive Play training that we are currently delivering.
At the end of training participants will:
- Know more about the work that has already been undertaken to include disabled children in play
- Know more about the ways in which we think about disability and impairment and how this can colour our decision making
- Consider how to adapt position and gaming rules to assist participation
- Consider different scenarios of children with disabilities about to join their group
- Be more confident that they can provide a range of activities and adapt these for different children with different needs
RESPECT Disability Awareness
RESPECT is a training programme for people about disability awareness and the importance of inclusion for all children and young people who may have additional needs or a disability. The training is interactive and participatory and an exciting way for people to explore these important issues through group exercises. The course can also be delivered in Welsh. By the end of the training the participants will be able to:
- understand disability
- understand the effects of disability discrimination
- understand inclusive practice
- know how to increase participation in decision-making for people with disability
Course length and level The course is one day in length and is accredited by Agored Cymru providing one credit at Level 2.
Disagreement Resolution
Disagreement Resolution Training is a course which gives participants an opportunity to identify and develop the communication skills necessary to facilitate an effective disagreement resolution session. Participants will be encouraged to take part in group exercises and share experiences relevant to the course content. On completion the participants will have the ability to:
- Open a face to face mediation.
- Differentiate between issues that are manageable and not manageable.
- Use a range of skills to facilitate a face-to-face mediation session.
- Conclude the dispute.
Equality and Diversity
We are all increasingly likely to learn, work and interact with individuals who are different from ourselves. The ability to relate well to all types of people is a skill that’s becoming increasingly important and understanding, accepting and valuing diversity can enhance all individuals interpersonal skills. Valuing Diversity is an AGORED Cymru accredited course which gives participants an opportunity to:
- Increase their awareness of the various dimensions of diversity
- Become more aware of their own attitudes, perceptions and feelings and recognise the contributions of diverse groups to society.
Participants will be encouraged to take part in group exercises and share experiences relevant to the course content. This course can be adapted to suit individual group needs and is suitable for young people.
Course length and level This course is accredited by Agored Cymru and provides one credit at level 1 or 2.
Healthy Risk Taking
This is a ½ day, non accredited session that is currently being delivered free as part of the Inclusive Play Training that we are offering.
At the end of training participants will:
- Know more about the Acts underpinning risk
- Know more about the actuality as opposed to the perception of risk
- Consider how to balance risk
- Consider different scenarios of children with disabilities about to join their group
- Be more confident that they can assess risk and promote healthy risk taking
School Exclusions Training
Although the numbers fluctuate from year to year and are falling in Wales, around 200-300 children and young people are permanently excluded from school and the education of approximately 18,000 others is disrupted by fixed-term exclusions each year.
This course is for anyone supporting a child or young person excluded from school and offers an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to support families throughout the exclusion process. The course also covers preventative strategies to help both parents and professionals. Participants will be encouraged to take part in group activities and share experiences relevant to the course content. By the end of the training the participants will:
- understand the exclusion process
- know how to support young people and their families through the appeals process
- be able to identify positive alternative remedies to exclusion
Course length and level
This 2 day course is accredited by Agored Cymru and provides three credits at level 2.
SEN and Partnership Training for Foster Carers
This course will help Foster carers become more confident in supporting children and young people who are ‘looked after’ . It will help learners make sense of policy and legislation, and develop the necessary knowledge and skills to support those children and young people who may also have additional needs or disabilities.
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
- Consider the barriers faced by children who are looked after.
- Consider the specific roles and responsibilities of those working with children who are Looked After by the Local Authority and the support that these children and young people can expect.
- Understand the importance of establishing good communication, appropriate assessment, provision and review so looked after children can achieve their potential.
The training has been developed by SNAP Cymru in partnership with Social Services, Voluntary Services and The Foster Carers Association and can be delivered in Welsh or English. Participants will be encouraged to take part in group exercises and share experiences relevant to the course content.
SEN Overview
This course will help learners develop their understanding of what is meant by ’Special Educational Needs’. The course is for parents and carers and anyone working with or supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs. Participants will be encouraged to take part in group exercises and share experiences relevant to the course content.
By the end of the training the participants will have gained an understanding of:
- special educational needs in the current framework and legislation
- the process involved in assessment and meeting identified needs
- the need to promote partnerships which value parental perspectives, which recognise families strengths and skills as educators and carers and advocates for their children and also recognises and values people working collaboratively on behalf of children, young people and their families.
Course length and level
This course is accredited by Agored Cymru and provides three credits at level 2.
Telephone Helpline Training
Telephone Skills in a Work Environment is an accredited course which gives participants an opportunity to identify and develop the communication skills necessary for effective telephone communication.
Participants will be encouraged to take part in group exercises and share experiences relevant to the course content.
On completion the participants will have:
- Gained an understanding of the oral and listening
- Skills necessary for effective communication
- Be aware of the barriers to effective communication
- Recognise the importance of recording and monitoring telephone information.
Course length and level
Snap Cymru’s telephone helpline skills training is accredited by Agored Cymru and provides three credits at level 2.
Key Working
The course
This course is designed to support participants to develop the skills and tools to provide key working support for families with children with additional needs and disabilities. It introduces participants to the Early Support principles, focusing on partnership working with families and person centred planning, which will empower and enable families to be in control.
Who it’s for
This training course is for everyone working with families with a young child with additional needs and/or disabilities. It is suitable for parents/carers and professionals from Health, Social Services, Education and the Voluntary Sector.
Course aims
- Support participants to understand the national context for key working and for the delivery of services for disabled children and children with additional needs and their families
- Help participants to explore the Early Support principles and approaches and apply them to their practice
- Enable participants to embrace the family’s experience, understanding how to use the family’s strengths to solve problems and work in partnership with the family
- Explore the effective use of the Early Support materials
- Promote a co-ordinated approach to working with other services and agencies, keeping the family at the centre
- Explore the key worker’s role, responsibilities and best practice in key working
- Help participants to develop their practical key working and person centred planning skills
- Encourage and enable participants to reflect on their practice and make use of those reflections
Assessment and accreditation
Participants can choose to follow an Agored Cymru accredited route for this course by completing an assessed portfolio of evidence to show that they have met relevant learning outcomes. Support will be given to help participants to complete the portfolio using evidence that can be drawn from the training days, from application of learning to practice and from reflection on the learning that has taken place. The accreditation value of this unit is 5 credits at level 4.
Understanding Communications Training
Good communicators establish the needs of others and can express their own views constructively. Good communicators understand the importance of voice, tone, language, and can adapt their communication style depending on the circumstances. Good communicators find common ground with people and build rapport by listening actively and asking effective questions.
Our communication skills course will benefit individuals of all levels and experience, provides excellent opportunities for personal development for people working in the voluntary sector and for young people hoping to improve their skills. The course provides the opportunity to practice effective communication skills through interactive activities and small group work and can be adapted to meet individual group needs.
Course length and level
This course offers three credits at level 2