Other ways to raise funds
Over the years, we’ve seen lots of different and creative ways that people have raised funds for us. If you’ve got an exciting fundraising idea, you can contact Harriet via email (harriet.boughey@snapcymru.org).
Here are a few fun ways to raise money to support the work we do at SNAP Cymru:

Cake Sale
Whether you’re the next Mary Berry, or you just love to bake sweet treats, a cake sale is a fantastic way to raise funds for us! The left over cake is just a bonus!

Coffee Morning
Coffee mornings are a great way to catch up with friends, enjoy some warm drinks, and perhaps even a slice of cake too – all whilst easily raising funds for us.

Yoga Class
If you have a group of friends who love yoga, why not run a yoga morning and raise some finds for us while you enjoy some relaxation?

Bring and Buy Sale
If you want to refresh the items in your wardrobe, but don’t want to break the bank, you could arrange a bring and buy sale with friends.

Quiz Night
Do you drive your family wild with your random facts? You could organise a quiz night, come up with some killer questions and raise funds for us!