SNAP Cymru is experienced in organising and facilitating consultation and engagement events, with families, children and young people and professionals. We have brought children and young people together for Welsh Government consultations on Behaviour and Attendance, Transport Legislative changes, Local and National Policy developments and other bespoke consultations.
We offer facilitation, help design relevant and open questions and recruit participants from our casework data and extensive network of contacts from across Wales. We can collate and disseminate results to provide the information you need. Most consultations include producing a full report and a young people friendly summary.

Working with professionals
We work with all kinds of professionals to improve national and local services for children and young people with ALN. Our team will aim to answer your questions and direct you to services, information materials, leaflets. We can provide help to professionals seeking more general advice to help improve the support they give to parents and young people.
We also provide Information sessions and training for professionals. Our training and consultancy is provided by members of the senior leadership team and the fee for this service is calculated on an individual basis depending on the time required to carry out the work. If you’d like to find out more, or would like to book a time for us to come and deliver an information session, please contact enquiries@snapcymru.org